Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Pacific Northwest

Dear Mike, 
We are stoked about our visit to the Northwest. We're going to spend a week and a half there visiting friends and exploring an area neither of us have seen before. Here's what the route looks like for this portion of the trip...

We're staying with one of Mario's JET friends, Allee, in Portland (July 27). We hope to spend a lot of this time camping and hiking in the  National Parks...Crater Lake (July 25), Olympic National Park (August 1), and Glacier National Park (August 10). 

We don't have a place lined up Seattle or Vancouver yet. We may use Airbnb to find a cheap room unless you have a friend we can crash with...

Anyways, we have lots of things to prep for the trip. Only one month to go! 

**Note: Mt. Spokane is actually a Washington State Park. Typo. 


  1. If you still need a place in seattle, let me know, I can put a call out to my friends there and probably line you up a place. Brian

  2. Glacier is one of my favorite places in the world. I used to go there every summer until all of my friends moved back to this part of the country. Enjoy it!
