Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Austin City Limits (part II)

Dear Mike,

For our second day in Austin, Peter and Mai took us to the LBJ Presidential Library. Along our route we came across the UT Law Library, home of creepy, baby Lincoln carved from a single piece of (short) wood. I also noticed several law students studying and thought of you.

The LBJ Library is quite the museum; full of displays, memorabilia, educational videos, and an animatronic LBJ. Yes, that's right, a life-size LBJ dressed in cowboy gear sharing funny anecdotes with the museum patrons. Animatronic LBJ is quite the charmer. (video to follow this post)

The library was really pretty great. We learned a lot about LBJ's life and presidency while keeping cool in the free air-conditioned building. I highly recommend visiting if you ever make it to Austin. Also, I highly recommend air-conditioning.

Then we headed over to Brave New Books, a subversive literature store found right next to the Libertarian headquarters of Austin. In the store, you can find information on anything from the illuminati, to republican election conspiracies, to how the democrats are actually socialists. Pretty wild stuff. Mario loved it.

We spent the evening at County Line BBQ. We feasted on beef brisket, beans, slaw, potato salad, baked potato, and fresh baked bread (Mai's favorite). The lean brisket was delicious, but the regular (fatty) brisket melted in your mouth...similar to the chopped BBQ at Alston Bridges in Shelby.

Austin to be continued....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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