Thursday, July 21, 2011

Santa Cruz

Dear Mike,

We suck at blogging. But it's not completely our fault. AT&T sucks on the west coast. Even as I type this in Berkeley CA, my phone is alternating between 3G and Edge service.

Since leaving Austin, we've been to a lot of amazing destinations: the Grand Canyon, Roswell, Santa Fe, L.A., Guadalupe national park, Carlsbad Caverns, Sequoia national park, Yosemite national park, Mono Lake, Lake Tahoe, Phoenix, and San Diego. We have seen flooding rivers, giant dust storms and snow, 105 degree days and 38 degree nights, trees taller than any building in Greensboro, tornados, wild forest fires, and hail. We've seen bats, black bears, elephant seals, armadillos, rattlesnakes, kaibob squirrels, peacocks, sheep, ravens and cattalo.

We're so far behind in blogging our adventures that we've decided to cut our losses. Yes, that's right, we are going to resume blogging our regularly scheduled lives. So, when we feel like it, we'll do some sort of magical flashback and recreate our exploits from weeks ago (though it feels like months).

Currently we are staying with a friend in Berkeley (BTW, Gabe, you're awesome). We're spending the week here to see San Francisco, and the surrounding area.

Two days ago we went to Santa Cruz. You may know it for it's famous boardwalk. Or, you may remember it (as I do) from the card sized hologram stickers that you would get in those quarter machines at Pizza Hut (while you were redeeming your free personal pan pizza from the "Book-It" program.)


In every way, Santa Cruz stands up to the sticker. The boardwalk is a year-round perpetual carnival complete with rides, carnie games, arcades, and dipping dots. Now, I'm not a rollercoaster kinda guy, but even I was convinced to ride their oldest ride "The Giant Dipper". It's right there on the beach, so you get a beautiful view of the ocean right before getting thrown around on a rickety stomach churning decent. We also enjoyed the bumper cars and the skyway. Monday and Tuesday nights are "1905 nights", where all hotdogs, sodas and cotton candy are just a dollar each.

Overall we had a great time, and it was a nice contrast to all the camping we had been doing for the last 2 weeks. We'll be giving more updates on a regular basis.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Lincoln St,Berkeley,United States

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mario and Kristen,

    That sounds amazing. And, yes, you both do suck at blogging. Also, how about trains? Have you seen many of those? I thought there were lots out west.

    Also, I take the Mass bar this coming Wed / Thurs, (eeeeeee....) so that's what's been going on with me.

    Hope all is well.



    Ps - Are you going to disneyland or what? You probably should.
